I'm caught up with Doctor Who finally! I watched Angels Take Manhattan while I was cooking dinner last night so I'm ready for the 50th Anniversary episode Saturday. There are a few from the 2nd part of the 7th season that I want to re-watch but since BBC America is doing all Doctor Who all the time this week I don't think it's going to be a problem.
The Tornado spent some time running around outside today since we're having actual fall weather right now. Ignore the scraggly bushes to the left. The shrubs were merrily taking over the sidewalk when we bought the house and we are trying to hack them back into shape. It's challenging to say the least.
Ringo has now officially entered the world of food service! He had orientation last night and officially starts training on Monday. I have to hunt up a pair of black Dickies brand pants between now and then. I have no idea where they sell them so it may be a bit of an adventure.
We did a story time at a local bookstore on Monday and I was so impressed with the Tornado's behavior. Last time we went I had to sit with him and he really wasn't too into the craft. This time he sat on a bench with the other kids and then went up on the stage and did the craft on his own. He looked like such a big boy I about cried. It's hard to believe he's going to be 4 in just over a month until he does stuff like that.
I'm having to refocus a little on my happiness plan. Actually mostly on the eating portion of the plan. I'm really just wanting to eat sweets constantly right now. The house cleaning part I'm actually doing pretty good and it's nice to feel on top of things. I'm trying to get all my holiday planning done in time to actually do all the things I want to do. So far I'm doing pretty well. I've made a list of all the supplies I need for the Christmas projects and will hopefully pick the stuff up this week.
Thrift store trip tomorrow! Just a quick fly by but hopefully a productive one!
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